Mendeley Desktop is a tool to manage all sorts of bibliographical references that can be of great usefulness for any kind of academic research paper
When we're writing an academic paper in which we have to gather all sorts of bibliographical references, it's very important to be able to make use of an appropriate manager to administer our documents in a neat and tidy manner. Mendeley Desktop meets these functions in OS X. A place for your research The idea is that the researcher can get hold of a manageable database that allows him to check all the information while he writes as well as citing it in the text. In turn, it also allows us to save all those references on the cloud, so that they're accessible from any device. An essential tool for your bibliographical research. Features Create databases of bibliographical references. Read and manage PDF, XML, RIS and RIB files. Create a bibliographical database. Exportable and shareable databases. Edit and take notes on documents. Automatically generates bibliographies. Support for browser extensions.
Bibliographical reference manager
101.6 MB | Mac | FREE

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