Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Download OmegaT latest Version

Download OmegaT latest Version


OmegaT is a practical tool for computer aided translation. Download OmegaT for free and obtain very good quality translations in any language you want 

OmegaT is a free translation memory tool, or in other words, a program that compares a document with previously translated and verified data. This application has been developed with professional translators in mind and is integrated within the category of Computer-Aided Translation applications. If you're a translator, this application could be of great help to you To explain it on a very basic level, it saves sentences and expressions individually in a database so as to remember them later when we encounter them in a similar sentence. The program creates specific folders for each project, and the user has to place the documents that are going to be translated, the translation memories and the glossaries in them. When the project is opened, OmegaT will extract the text that has to be translated from the documents it recognizes. During the process of translating each segment, it will add the translated text to the translation memory. Among some of the most important features of OmegaT we'll find the following: partial coincidences, searches by keywords, glossaries, translation memories or to be able to make use of previous translations in new projects.  

OmegaT Powerful computer aided translation tool 

367 MB | Windows  | FREE 


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