ClickyMouse adds new functions with customized commands to your mouse and keyboard. Create keyboard and mouse shortcuts once you download ClickyMouse
Together with the keyboard, the mouse is one of the fundamental peripherals of your computer. Nevertheless, why limit its use to the traditional control? Why not try to increase the possibilities it has to offer? Customize mouse and keyboard shortcuts ClickyMouse is a utility that manages to increase the mouse's functions. Create customized movements and perform actions with the mouse movements of your choice. This automation software will also allow you to save keyboard shortcuts. All these functions can be used with any software, and even try to define different actions for a single control depending on the program that you use. You can export your customizations as an HTML or text document and you have the possibility to protect the program by means of a password to avoid other users using your shortcuts. You'll also have the possibility to organize these controls and modify them very easily. Create your own mouse and keyboard controls with ClickyMouse, customize your movements and the actions and optimize the time you spend in front of the screen.
ClickyMouse Create and configure mouse and keyboard shortcuts
11.4 MB | Windows | TRIAL

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