Jumpcut includes various options to improve how the clipboard is managed. Download Jumpcut for free, a clipboard manager that makes the PCs work easier
The main inconvenience with the clipboard it that when we copy something, we lose what we had copied earlier. There are various specific applications to solve this inconvenience. If you are a regular Mac user, you must know iClip, the powerful clipboard manager. But it has its own cons, you have to pay for it. As a free alternative we offer you Jumpcut. The best alternative to iClip. Manage your Mac's clipboard Jumpcut is an interesting clipboard manager, that once it's run, it works in the background. A small icon like a pair of scissors appears in the menu bar. From this icon we can access the applications configuration. So, if we click with the right mouse button on the icon, we access the Preferences, where we can choose how many clippings we want to memorize, and how many we want to show each time. We can also select a keyboard short cut or configure the icons appearance. With Jumpcut, you'll be able to copy all the files you want to the clipboard and then use them whenever you need them. And when we have finished with all the stored texts, all we have to do is click on Clear All.
Free practical clipboard manager
518 KB | Mac | FREE

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