Completely uninstall any application from your Mac thanks to Amnesia. Download Amnesia and completely delete logs, temporary files, cache memories, etc.
Amnesia is a program developed to eliminate any element that you may have decided to install on your Mac. Not only is it capable of removing any application, but it can also delete screensavers, preference panels or widgets. Uninstall your apps without leaving any files behind The program analyzes all the computer's logs, temporary files, caches and preference folders created by software applications and completely eliminates them, in such a way that it leaves no trace whatsoever once we have decided to rid ourselves of them. It has a registry thanks to which you'll be able to keep track of the applications that you have uninstalled and a mode with which you will be able to recover tools eliminated recently. Its interface is very simple, identical to that of any other application developed to eliminate elements that you've decided to uninstall from your system. Discover a utility that will surely end up becoming an essential program on your Mac by downloading and installing Amnesia.
Don't leave any traces when you uninstall your applications
11 MB | Mac | TRIAL

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