Saturday, July 23, 2022

Download SecurityCam latest Version

Download SecurityCam latest Version


SecurityCam transforms any computer with a webcam into a security system. Connect to a remote camera on the Internet thanks to the features of SecurityCam 

It always comes in handy to keep track of your belongings or your professional office, but to do so it is necessary to have a camera and the proper recording equipment, unless you have a computer with a webcam and you have SecurityCam installed. Record any movement The purpose of SecurityCam is to detect any movement that takes place in front of the camera to start recording or to take a photographic shot of the area covered by its lens so that the user will be able to see who has been in front of the computer. Among the options offered by SecurityCam the two most noteworthy ones are those that offer the possibility to send the signal from the camera over the Internet to carry out the monitoring procedure from a distance or on the contrary to connect with a camera over the Internet to view what is happening on the other side. With regard to the recording, SecurityCam allows the user to establish the precision with which it will detect movement, so that it will be possible to avoid it activating due to the movement of a curtain blown by the wind, to name an example. Download SecurityCam to keep track of a location through your computer.  

SecurityCam Keep track of what happens in your office with your webcam 

2.7 MB | Windows  | TRIAL 


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