Antares Auto-Tune is the ultimate professional tool to be able to solve tone problems during the recording. Download Antares Auto-Tune for your PC
When it comes to recording a song you can encounter certain problems with the tone and the tempo of a voice or instrument, and as a consequence of this it may be necessary to record it all several times until it is perfect, or at least that was what happened until Antares Auto-Tune was launched, a program that combines perfectly with Pro Tools to fix these problems automatically or manually. Your songs as perfect as ever Antares Auto-Tune includes a tool which can automatically fix the tone and brings it to the nearest one, offering you the possibility to mark a target tone so that the changes take place during the recording. The essential tool to record audio. But as well as the tone adjustment, Antares Auto-Tune has become an essential recording tool due to the rest of its features: Fix and manipulate time. Apply even the smallest time adjustments to the voice and tempo of the instruments so that the songs are perfect. Evo Voice Processing Technology, which is exclusive to Antares, that allows you to process any small voice detail. Reception of the target tone by means of MIDI. Show on the screen both the original sound as well as the modified one to be able to observe the differences. Multiple keyboard shortcuts to speed up the processes. And much more... Therefore, if you're interested in setting up a recording studio, you shouldn't miss out on the chance to download and test Antares Auto-Tune.
Antares Auto-Tune Solve any tune and tempo problem
131 MB | Windows | TRIAL

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