EndNote has been designed as the perfect support tool for any project. Arrange all of the documents your have consulted by downloading EndNote to your PC
There are multiple applications dedicated to bibliography management, but if there is a program designed for this purpose that stands out over all the rest, that has to be EndNote, the program developed by the prestigious media company Thomson Reuters. All the information at your reach The purpose for which EndNote has been developed is clear, manage all the bibliography of any project no matter what its content is, and for this purpose it has a clear interface that doesn't stand out due to its design, but does due to how practical it is. The program's design is focused on making it very easy to include any kind of contents together with all the data that may help to catalog it, including the possibility to attach documents to each database entry. Access bibliography databases from all over the world. Furthermore, EndNote has also been developed to make the work of the researchers easier in such a way that it includes direct links to the bibliographic entries of more than 4,300 universities and investigation centers at an international level. Therefore, if you're looking for a program to control the bibliography of your research projects, you only have to download EndNote.
EndNote The perfect bibliography manager for your studies
71.9 MB | Windows | TRIAL
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