Sunday, April 18, 2021

Download SlimCleaner latest Version

Download SlimCleaner latest Version


Increase the performance of your PC by downloading SlimCleaner for free. With SlimCleaner you can delete files, uninstall programs and clean the registry 

SlimCleaner is a tool that hides great utilities under a very appealing and eye-catching interface, with which you can notably improve the performance of your computer, because it offers us the chance to eliminate obsolete files, configure the applications that launch together with the system, uninstall programs, clean the registry and remove files for good. ��The program is very simple to handle, especially due to the big buttons and the simple menus that it includes. Each time you access a different section, the program will analyze the status of various elements and will let you know of what you should delete or which applications you shouldn't launch together with the Windows startup. ��The great appeal of the program is that is has a large user community, thanks to which each one of the program's functions evolves, and as a result of this, it becomes a lot more efficient application as time goes by. ��With SlimCleaner you can discover an optimizer and cleaner with �social functions�. 

SlimCleaner Optimize and clean your computer for free 

1.1 MB | Windows  | FREE 


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