USBDriveFresher is a tool to clean all the unnecessary files from your USB pendrive. Thanks to USBDriveFresher you will easily be able to free space
USBDriveFresher is a simple application with which you will be able to maintain your USB pendrive in the best conditions, deleting these bothersome temporary files that build up in the memory, occupying valuable space. It is very easy to use, and you'll be able to manage that there are only useful and necessary files on your pendrive. ��When you launch the application, USBDriveFresher offers three options: clean the USB memory, clean all the pendrives connected to the computer, or carry out a customized cleaning process. Once you have selected the desired option, USBDriverFresher will eliminate the files that are unnecessary. ��USBDriveFresher allows you to indicate what kind of files you want it to delete, for example .Trashes, thumbs.db and Spotlight-V100 files. USBDriveFresher has a list with all the kinds of files that it can be asked to delete. This list can be modified to adapt it to each user's needs. ��Free space from your USB memory in a quick and simple way with USBDriveFresher.
USBDriveFresher Clear the temporary files from your USB memory stick
4 MB | Windows | FREE

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