ISO2GoD is a tool that allows us to convert Xbox 360 games from ISO format to Game on Demand to remove the requirement of reading from the DVD unit
If you've got any Xbox 360 games in ISO format, you can convert them to fully operative games removing the need to read from the video console's DVD unit. For such purpose, you only have to use a program of the likes of ISO2GoD. This software has obviously been developed for users that want to download pirated games for Microsoft's video console... because otherwise, why would we have an original game in ISO format? Anyhow, just in case you like having backups of your video games and not using your DVD reader, who knows, this program has been developed to make the process as simple as possible. How to convert Xbox games in ISO format to GoD? It works just like any other program to convert file formats. We simply have to follow these steps: Step 1: choose the destination folder where you'll store the Games on Demand format. Step 2: choose a destination folder where to store temporary files that will be destroyed once the ISO has been converted to GoD format. Step 3: now you've only got to select the Full (ISO Rebuild) option if you want the game to occupy only 1 GB of space instead of the original Xbox 360 DVD size.
ISO2GoD Convert Xbox games in ISO format to GoD
648 KB | Windows | FREE

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