Monday, October 19, 2020

Download BitMate latest Version

Download BitMate latest Version


BitMate has been designed to be able to provide access to the BitTorrent network to people that live in third world countries, without access to broadband 

The BitTorrent protocol has evolved over the years, and the use of its network has reached peaks that have meant up to 70% of the traffic generated in the countries with access to broadband connections, nevertheless, due to its design it has left aside less important countries that only have access to narrow-band dial-up connections, hardly even reaching a 10% of their traffic. A BitTorrent for the less favored users Trying to solve this problem is what the developers of BitMate had in mind when they started the project. Taking Vuze (previously known as Azureus) as a base application, they modified the mechanism used by the program to work, without modifying the interface nor the base code that interacts with the Vuze platform. The basic idea behind BitMate is to manage to create a slow speed subnetwork without the general BitTorrent network, so that users that are in less developed countries will be able to access this file sharing system without having to see themselves sidestepped by the file sharing systems implemented by this kind of application. Therefore, if you want to have access to a BitTorrent network but you can only access a dial-up connection with a very low speed (5-20 KB/s), download and install BitMate and you'll see how your experience with this network improves.  

BitMate A BitTorrent client for developing countries 

17.9 MB | Windows  | FREE 


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