Tribler is a social network focused on the exchange of P2P files. Download Tribler right now and share your files with the rest of the Internet community
Social networks are in full expansion and one way or another they have become a part of our lives. The best known social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,...) help us to keep contact with our friends and family, but this concept is now expanding to other fields. ��Clear examples of the latter are the YouTube and LiveLeak video networks. And also, it is the case of less known programs like Cucku, with which we will be able to carry out backup copies of our files thanks to our network of friends or the innovating Tribler, in which the concept of social network is incorporated to P2P. ��Therefore, Tribler defines itself as a social network that makes it easier to share files over the P2P network, with all the advantages that this implies, like, for example, that there isn't a central file server and everyone is a client and a server at the same time. ��Tribler also includes the capacity to download from the BitTorrent network. This network has lots of clients, but within so much rivalry, Tribler stands out by allowing something that other don't offer: the possibility to search for programs from the client. ��Tribler has a clearly multimedia focused approach. It allows us to find, share and play videos, images and audio from the same application. Even though we will also be able to find applications and other kinds of files. This may be the reason why the average file size is considerably higher than that of the rest of BitTorrent clients, because Tribler includes the codecs necessary to play multimedia files. ��With Tribler you will have torrent downloads, P2P file sharing, YouTube and LikeLeak videos and many other features that are common to social networks, that will allow you to meet other users that have tastes that are similar to your own.
Tribler Innovating social network that simplifies the exchange of files by P2P
218 MB | Windows | FREE

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