Saturday, May 30, 2020

Download EMCO WakeOnLan latest Version

Download EMCO WakeOnLan latest Version


EMCO WakeOnLan will allow you to turn on any computer on your network with an order. Activate any computer from your PC by downloading EMCO WakeOnLan 

If you have more than one computer, which is quite usual nowadays, you may find yourself in a situation where you are using one of them and want to turn the other one on to carry out another task. If its in another room your could end up wasting a lot of time getting up and going over to power it up. This can be avoided by using EMCO WakeOnLan. This application that receives its name due to the Wake-on-LAN (WOL) technology, that allows you to activate the system on another computer of the same network by means of sending an information packet designed for this purpose. What does it need? EMCO WakeOnLan is very easy to use, all you have to do is track the local network in search of the computers connected while these are turned on so that it can recover their MAC (Media Access Control) key, because this is the basic information that it needs to send the activation data packet. Once this process is finished, EMCO WakeOnLan will only require an order to be able to activate a turned-off computer on your local network. Therefore, if you want the option to activate a computer without getting up from your desk, download EMCO WakeOnLan.  

EMCO WakeOnLan Wake up any computer on your network 

75.6 MB | Windows  | FREE 


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