TotalFinder offers you the possibility to complement the essential Finder functions with new options. Download TotalFinder to really notice the difference
Finder is one of the main elements of all Mac OS X operating systems, because it's in charge of the file management and it is also the tool used when it comes to checking the contents of any hard drive, but it lacks a few things, because to be able to see various folders or devices at that same time it is necessary to open it in various windows unless you have TotalFinder installed. Finder with tabs The first difference that the user will notice once TotalFinder is installed, is that Finder offers the possibility to open different tabs within a single search window, in such a way that it will be a lot quicker to change between devices and folders. And that's not all... Another of the noteworthy options of TotalFinder is that it adds keyboard shortcuts that will allow you, among other things, to make hidden files visible, activate a dual mode that will show two Finder windows one beside the other, or to use the cut and paste option to move the files. Therefore, if you want to speed up the use of Finder and have more control of your Mac, you only have to download and install TotalFinder.
Add innovating functions to Finder
5.7 MB | Mac | TRIAL

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