Friday, October 25, 2019

Download Spiffy Icon Pack Mac latest Version

Download Spiffy Icon Pack Mac latest Version


With Spiffy Icon Pack you will be able to have a collection of icons just like those of your iPhone on your Mac. Download Spiffy Icon Pack now for free 

Now and again, there are new designs that appear in the computing world that manage to become a reference. That is exactly what has happened to the graphic design developed for the iPhone, and if icons weren't really that important before, now they mark the difference. Square icons are in fashion, and Spiffy Icon Pack is the perfect complement to harmonize your operating system with the latest trend. It doesn't only include new icons to substitute the classic system icons, but it also includes many new ones for the most used applications, like Skype, VLC, the entire Adobe suite and the majority of programs that Apple installs on its computer by default. With Spiffy Icon Pack, all the icons used on your Mac can have the same style that stand out on the iPhone, it's simply the best way to customize your Mac with the latest trend. 

Pack of icons with a style similar to iPhone 

3.4 MB | Mac  | FREE 


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