Discover the modular video editor called Jahshaka. By downloading Jahshaka you'll have an editing program with GPL license free for Mac to work on videos
For the creation of video projects you can make use of free applications like Jahshaka. With this software you can carry out whatever modifications to your home-recorded videos you may need. Combine different multimedia files to create a single movie. Jahshaka allows you to combine in a very simple manner your video, image and audio files to create single end video file, to which you can add text and effects. Modules included in Jahshaka Jahshaka is made up of different modules from which you can edit, compose, carry out animations or apply special effects to your movies. These modules are the following: Desktop module: corresponding to the program's core from which we can access all the program's options and files. Animation module: allows us to add 3D effects and play the results in real time. Editing module: based on timeline video editing. Effects module: capable of processing any image applying several effects. Paint module: 3D painting environment. Text module: includes several options to add text. Library module: the collection where you can organize different files. Network module: allows you to share files with other users via the network.
Totally free video editor with a professional aspect
239 MB | Mac | FREE

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