Monday, August 12, 2019

Download Fairmount Mac latest Version

Download Fairmount Mac latest Version


Fairmount is a tool to extract contents from a DVD. Download Fairmount for free and easily rip your favorite films to store all of them on your Mac OS X 

When it comes to ripping the contents of a DVD, we'll be able to choose between using a program that directly rips the contents to another format or, on the contrary, an application like Fairmount, that transforms the disc into a storage unit, with the objective of being able to extract all the data from a film and, thus, be able to freely compress its contents or create a backup.   The program is capable of preparing the unit to be able to extract the data, while avoiding the CSS (Content Scramble System) protections that that majority of DVD films include.   Both how the program works, as well as its interface, is very simple and intuitive, because all that's needed is to put in the disc that we want to rip and leave the application to do the rest of the process on its own. The interface is very simple and will only show us the title of the DVD that it being transformed and hardly any more information.   If you want a tool that allows you to easily extract the contents from any DVD, try out Fairmount, a simple and free application. 

The easiest way to rip a DVD 

18 MB | Mac  | FREE 


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