Sandboxie will avoid your computer being exposed to the dangers of a virus infection. Download Sandboxie and maintain your computer secure avoiding malware
When browsing the Internet, downloading, installing and using new applications, it may be that we are exposing our computer to an infection by a virus, trojan or worm, which may place our security and our data in real danger. The best isolation software to prevent infections Sandboxie is a simple utility with which we will be able to create isolated memory spaces, in which we will be able to launch unknown applications and browsing data in a secure way, because it places a kind of barrier or wall between the tools that we launch and our system Launch applications and browse securely with Sandboxie. Once we have finished using a program, all the data generated by it will automatically be deleted from our computer, so that we are always safe from the software or a malicious website from attacking us. The interface is very clear, even though we will have to use the program for some time if we want to control it perfectly and know exactly what to do at each moment.
Sandboxie Delete the trail of programs to avoid infections
5.9 MB | Windows | TRIAL

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