WormFood is a free worm detection and elimination tool that was specifically developed to eliminate the AutoStart 9805 worm from Power Mac computers
Despite the fact that the computers by Apple haven't suffered as many attacks over the years as computers with Windows operating system, it doesn't mean that they are always free from attacks. At the end of the 90's there was a worm called AutoStart9805 that managed to infect many computers, and that is the reason why WormFood was launched. The AutoStart9805 worm, also known as Hong Kong or Desktop Print Spooler, was specially designed to infect the MacPerl environment, and due to that it attacked the printing of documents and all other actions that took place by means of its ports. WormFood is especially easy-to-use, and once it is launched the only thing that it does is detect the worm on the system, making it visible and eliminating it so that it can never attack the system again. Once the worm is removed you will only need to reboot the computer to be able to keep on working normally. Download WormFood to eliminate the dangerous AutoStart 9805 worm.
Remove the dangerous AutoStart 9805 worm
1.5 MB | Mac | FREE

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