Download Antares Auto-tune, a tone and timing correction program for audio recordings. Edit audio and improve small faults thanks to Antares Auto-Tune
Human voice is the most powerful music instrument that exists, and its treatment in recordings is essential. Up until now the results depended directly on the singer, but thanks to Antares Auto-Tune you'll be able to work with all kinds of audio and carry out all kinds of tone and tempo corrections. Sometimes, more is more. Antares Auto-Tune is focused on voice recordings, but its tools can be used on all kinds of acoustic material. Do you need to fix any of your recordings? Features Tone, tempo and pitch correction software. Use it for voice recordings, but also on other material. Available in multiple formats: VST, Audio Units, TDM and RTAS. Evo processing technology. Two ways of working, automatically and graphically. Easy-to-use interface, which is clear and simple. Fine-tune your recordings Fix tone and time problems preserving the original expressiveness of the recording. Autotune has been the warhorse of many music production studios from all over the world for many years, and now you'll also be able to use it. Download Antares Auto-Tune for Mac, a professional tone correction tool which you can't go without if you need to improve your recordings.
Tone and tempo correction software
153.7 MB | Mac | TRIAL

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